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Luxury Gift Set - Mysterious Nature

Luxury Gift Set - Mysterious Nature

Regular price $20.00
Regular price Sale price $20.00
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To embellish gifts!

An amazing set with different elements to customize gifts.

Hang tags, gift boxes, cards, envelopes, decorative elements, special stickers and 5 meters string.

To create unique and irresistible gifts.

Design : Aurélia Jourist


- 60 elements: hang tags/cards/envelopes
- 30 stickers
- 5 meters string
- Packaging: 20x25x1 cm

Matériau/Material : Papier & Carton issus de forêts gérées durablement. Conçu et fabriqué en Europe.

Material: Paper & Cardboard from sustainably managed forests. Designed and manufactured in Europe.

Material: Papel y cartón procedentes de bosques gestionados de forma sostenible. Diseñado y fabricado en Europa.

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